whats the easiest way to upgrade my samsung tab 3 sm-t310 to lollipop
You don't accept to purchase a new Galaxy Tab model to become Android 4.4, or KitKat, on your Galaxy Tab 3. Samsung has fabricated KitKat bachelor and so yous can upgrade to the newer version of the Android OS. Eric Butow, author of My Samsung Galaxy Tab iii, shows you how to upgrade to Android iv.four and how to upgrade your apps and then they work with KitKat.
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The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 came preinstalled with Android 4.4.2, or Jelly Bean. If you've been looking at the Galaxy Tab four as a possible replacement for your Tab 3 because the Tab 4 has Android iv.4, or KitKat, you'll be pleased to know that Samsung now offers an upgrade to KitKat for the Tab three.
Past default, the Tab 3 checks for new operating system updates automatically, only in this article I'll show yous how to install KitKat if you don't have automated updates enabled. Then you'll learn how to get around in your new spiffier version of the Android OS.
Begin the upgrade process by tapping the Settings icon on the Home screen. Within the Settings screen, swipe down the settings list on the left side of the screen and then tap About Device in the listing (run into Figure 1).
Figure ane The Nigh Device settings list appears on the right side of the screen.
Tap Software Update in the About Device settings list. In the Software Update settings listing, tap Update. The system checks the Samsung server for updates and so begins to download the KitKat update bundle equally shown in Figure 2.
Effigy two Cancel the KitKat update by tapping the Abolish button in the Software Update window.
Within the Software Update window, you'll run across how long the update will take to complete, the total size of the upgrade package (691.96 MB), and how much of the update has been downloaded to your Tab three. The update takes a while to download, merely you tin minimize the window and piece of work on other tasks past tapping the Hide button. After you tap the Hibernate button, you return to the Settings screen.
You can view the status of the download by opening the Quick Settings and Notifications screen and viewing the download and update status, equally shown in Figure three.
Effigy 3 The update package download status appears in the notifications list.
When the Tab 3 has finished downloading the update bundle, you may see the Software Update screen shown in Effigy 4. If you don't, you can open up the Quick Settings and Notifications screen and then tap Software Update in the notifications list.
Effigy 4 The Software Update screen provides details nearly upgrading to Android 4.iv.2.
Tap the Scheduled Software Updates bank check box to install app updates afterwards y'all install KitKat on the Tab 3. If you lot don't want to install the update right now, tap the Later button. Begin installing the update by tapping the Install button.
Afterwards yous tap the Install push, the Schedule Installation window appears (encounter Figure 5). Set the time to install the software updates if you prefer to install the update at a specific time. The default time is the current time, which ways that yous'll start installing the update immediately.
Figure 5 Tap the up and down arrows to set up (from left to right) the hour, infinitesimal, and AM/PM setting for the update.
Start the installation process by tapping the OK button. The Schedule Installation window states that the Tab 3 will automatically restart in 30 seconds to begin the update. Y'all tin can install the update without waiting by tapping the Install push.
After the xxx seconds take elapsed[medico]or after y'all tap the Install push button[md]the window says that the system will restart. You can restart the Tab 3 by tapping the OK button or simply wait a few seconds for the organization to restart automatically.
The system update takes about 10 minutes to consummate. After the system finishes the update, the Tab 3 restarts and then displays a screen that shows you how many apps the Tab 3 is updating for apply with KitKat. Subsequently a few more minutes, you'll encounter the lock screen and then y'all can unlock the device.
After you unlock the Tab 3, the Software Update window appears and tells you that the device has been updated. Close the window by tapping the OK button.
Now the organization begins to download more than app updates, and you can run across the update app icons on the left side of the Status bar. Open the Quick Settings and Notifications screen to view the list of app updates, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 The list of updates appears in the Notifications listing.
The update cycle occurs two more times: The system restarts, the system continues to install KitKat, and continues to update apps to work with KitKat. When the update is complete and you unlock the system, you can encounter how many apps have been updated in the Quick Settings and Notifications screen.
You can cheque to see whether the update installed properly past borer the Settings icon on the Home screen. In the Settings screen, swipe downwardly the settings list on the left side of the screen and then tap About Device.
In the Almost Device settings listing on the right side of the screen (see Figure 7), the Android Version displays the four.4.2 version number, which is the version of KitKat available for the Tab three.
Effigy 7 The Well-nigh Device settings list reflects the Android version number for KitKat.
If you want to check and see whether there are whatever additional Android updates, tap Software Updates at the top of the About Device settings list. In the Software Update settings list, tap Update Now.
The Software Update window appears and asks if you want to check for new software updates and download them; cheque for updates by borer the OK button. Subsequently a few seconds, the Software Update window displays a message that states the latest updates have already been installed. Close the window past tapping the OK button.
At present that you've updated Android to KitKat successfully, you demand to update some of your apps manually to run with KitKat. Printing the Domicile button to return to the Home screen and and so tap the Play Shop icon on the Home screen.
In the Google Play Store screen, tap the menu icon in the upper-left corner of the screen (just below the Status bar). In the menu, tap My Apps (see Effigy 8).
Figure 8 The Google Play Store bill of fare appears on the left side of the screen.
The My Apps screen appears (see Figure 9) with a list of apps to update in the Updates section at the tiptop of the screen. You can update each app by tapping the app tile in the listing or yous can update all apps in the Updates section by borer the Update All push button to a higher place the list.
Figure 9 In this example, five apps announced in the Updates department.
Yous may need to accept and/or change the app permission settings for one or more apps that you update. After you cease updating the apps, render to the Home screen.
Now that you have upgraded the Tab iii to KitKat, y'all can larn more about KitKat features in my commodity, "Touring the New KitKat Features on the Galaxy Tab 3" here on the Que website for My Samsung Galaxy Tab three.
Source: https://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2314088
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