Nathan Bedford Forrest Southern Hero American Patriot Book Reviews
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Clarification Nathan Bedford Forrest's critics accept chosen him everything from a vehement backwoodsman, illiterate redneck, and vicious slaver, to a crooked political leader, unfaithful husband, and simple-minded hillbilly. However, traditional unreconstructed writers, like Southern historian and laurels-winning Tennessee author Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook, know that General Forrest was none of these things. In fact, he was quite the opposite, as is revealed in Seabrook's archetype work: Nathan Bedford Forrest: Southern Hero, American Patriot. Every bit nosotros learn in this enlightening little book, far from being an inhumane slave possessor and trader, Forrest granted virtually of his servants their freedom even before Lincoln's War. Others he enlisted in his own command (half of dozen who served as his personal guards), so emancipated them in the autumn of 1863 - the aforementioned year Lincoln issued his "military measure," the false and illegal Emancipation Declaration (which freed no slaves in either the Due north or the Southward). Forrest never separated retainer families, refused to sell to vicious slavers, and was even responsible for reuniting several divided black families. Unlike Lincoln - who throughout his life repeatedly blocked blackness civil rights and aggressively campaigned for American apartheid and the deportation of all blacks out of the U.S. - after the War Forrest happily hired back his original servants with full civil rights, and so chosen for the Due south to repopulate herself with new African immigrants. Neither the founder or leader of the KKK as pro-North and New S historians disingenuously teach, the influential Forrest closed the anti-Yankee organization downwardly when it began to accept on racist overtones. These and many other captivating facts are presented clearly and concisely by Col. Seabrook, a cousin of Forrest, in this tourist-friendly, rousing defence force of the Magician of the Saddle, one of the greatest, most inspiring, honey, romantic, complex, and intriguing figures in American history. Written for the general market, Nathan Bedford Forrest is the commencement of Col. Seabrook's eleven books on the General, and is i of our top sellers. Lavishly illustrated and formatted in an easy-to-read style, at 120 pages this short inexpensive book is perfect for Civil War museum shops, historic homes, or any tourist hot spot. Makes a great souvenir as well. Nathan Bedford Forrest, based on Col. Seabrook's more scholarly 822-page award-winning bestseller, A Rebel Born: A Defense of Nathan Bedford Forrest, includes 134 footnotes, a bibliography, and an index. Available in paperback and hardcover. (All text copyright © Bounding main Raven Press) Click on "Reviews two" to encounter what people are saying nearly this book. And delight leave a positive review on Amazon for us, thank you! DETAILS Author: Lochlainn Seabrook FOREWORD: James Ronald Kennedy (writer of The South Was Right!) CONTENT: adult nonfiction SUBJECT: biography ILLUSTRATED: yep (b/w) SIZE: 5.5" 10 viii.v" LENGTH: 120 pages COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss end; hardcover/example laminate/matte terminate PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press ISBN: 978-0-9821899-4-8 (paperback) ISBN: 978-i-943737-05-five (hardcover)
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Don't forget to check out our "Consummate Nathan Bedford Forrest Book Collection"! Contains all 12 of Col. Seabrook'south popular works on Gen. Forrest. Click here: world wide nathan-bedford-forrest-book- collection-authentic-southern- history.htm
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